Wednesday 18 December 2013

Animation 3ds Max

render output

Lee Pui Yee (0312847)
Tutor: Mr Koh Jing Hao

Camera is set and start to record the video path using auto key and adjusting the range of time.

render setup to adjust the range of rendering, saved file type, and resolution.

Saved file type - JPEG

Editing video using movie maker before uploading it into youtube.

Sunday 24 November 2013

Project 2B Interior Still Rendering

Lee Pui Yee (0312847)
Mr Koh Jing Hao

Models are edited with their textures
Calculate FG first in order to shorten the time taken for rendering
UVW map is used for editing materials

Exterior rendering

Interior Rendering

Eye-level view 1 (ground floor living room)

Eye level view 2 (2nd floor mini living room)

Dining area.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Project 2: Still Rendering with Materials, Lights, Camera Views with Site Context

2a. Exterior Rendering (25%)

Name: Lee Pui Yee
Student ID: 0312847
Subject: Computer Application (Arc 2723)
Tutor: Mr.Koh Jing Hao
Submission date: 25.10.2013

Camera and daylight are added.

Render 1.

Render 2.

Eye level with site context.

Bird eye level with site context.

Thursday 10 October 2013


Name : Lee Pui Yee
Student ID : 0312847
Subject : Computer Application (ARC 2723)
Tutor : Mr. Koh Jing Hao

Tracing floor plans using autoCAD. The floor plans are sources from my previous studio 2 designed model.  
First floor plan
Second floor plan

Third floor plan

After getting all the floor plans done in autoCAD, i proceed my work to 3D max. I attached my plans on 3D max and started to create a 3D model.

I first started with floor slab.
First floor done by extruding them.

Second floor is done.

Walls are added.

Third floor.

Roof is added to the building.

View from top.
View from the bottom.

Rotation of the building in order to view from different angle.
Perspective 1 with rendering.

Perspective 2 with rendering.

Perspective 3 with rendering.

Perspective 4 with rendering.
Perspective 5 with rendering.